The Castle Pamela. Tirau, New Zealand



Pam and Kelvin

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Tirau attractions


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The castle builders, Pam and Kelvin Baker

Born and raised in the province of Taranaki, New Zealand, Pam and Kelvin both come from respected farming families. Living and raising a family in rural New Zealand the Baker's have learnt that honesty and good humour are the corner stones of life. When you visit the Castle Pam and Kelvin are always available for a talk about almost anything. Ask about the history of the dolls, the construction of The Castle, or maybe sit and relax with a cup of tea and ponder the view with them.

Pam and Kelvin Started their collection in 1986 and since have owned The Doll Hospital in Taranaki, been active members of the doll club and have put on various doll displays including the famous series of expos called "The Doll, Toy and hobbies show and sale". In 1992 they opened a small permanent display of dolls. Inspired by the feedback of visitors and the want to display more than a fraction of their mammoth collection they started investigating moving the collection to a larger venue. Years of research lead them to the amazing town of Tirau and the idea of The Castle.